God’s Anointing

While driving today.. I was praying for a beloved aunty.. And I felt the Lord reveal a word over her ~


It doesn’t matter what you do or don’t do, you are more than enough.

I asked Holy Spirit for deeper meaning and God planted a vision. While he especially showed me my aunty, she represents Jesus’ encouragement for all believers~

Laying down in glowing bright fields and just resting in his presence.. was you.  Flower meadows all around in perfect bloom.  There was a beautiful shining crown on your head..  And then Jesus himself was there.. You bowed down before him.. our one and only King!  Holy and pure beauty.. all-loving and so gentle.. Honor, honor, honor.  Jesus is so in love with you.. just as you are.. Just him looking at you, his heart for you.. You are just drenched in oil… dripping all over with anointing..

You began speaking and eagles flew from your mouth…

I remembered a dream of you at a big table.. with the Holy Spirit all around.. A glorious white cloud of his presence coming from you!  It was truly a dream of your anointing!

Jesus Christ and Jesus Messiah means Anointed One.

Mary of Bethany from John 12 ~ Anointing Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume.. wiped his feet with her hair..  She was criticized by this act of love.  But she was devoted to Jesus in her heart.. And our Lord honored it.  She knew true value!

A mini history side note :


To anoint means to pour oil.. smearing or rubbing it.. It means chosen…

We all carry anointing as Jesus’ precious sheep..  Making our minds and hearts like Christ.. guiding us in faith and work from heaven.. bringing life..  All for his great Kingdom purposes.


We are a chosen people.. made to dwell in him..


The Holy Spirit is connected to Gods anointing.. And when you speak, eagles.. Through your words, Jesus can release so much strength and freedom to others..


Kingdom children ~ praying that we will soar in our beautiful anointing from God.  How  amazing and almighty is our God?  Oh how we adore him! He adores us even more!  What joy and delight he has seeing us rest in his presence.  We are his forever love, crowned in such splendor.


Nothing satisfies like JESUS.

Our value is in Him and oh how He values us immeasurably!

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Father show us even more of your everlasting love!  Nothing is more valuable than you!  Brothers and sisters, lets’s passionately PURSUE and LOVE our Jesus.  You are Triumphant O Lord!  Anointed One, it is all about you!  Release your anointing to fly us with Jesus in the Holy Spirit!

May we abide in Him always.  Blessings upon blessings to you.


  1. Amaazing sis 🙌🏼 ❤️ ⚡️
    What a beautiful revelation/ vision that the lord showed you 😭💕

    Aw how great and mighty HE Is 👑✨
    woooohooo! So so awesome sis!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. What an inspiring vision–the bright fields, a shining crown, resting in Jesus’ presence, his gaze upon us, his anointing in the oil of blessing, protection, and empowerment. Thank you, Melissa! I also appreciate that you have become a follower of my blog, From the Inside Out. I pray you’ll find inspiration there whenever you’re able to visit!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. This really ministered to me, as recently the Lord has spoken to me that I’m worthy, deserving–or as you’ve said, “Valued”. We need those reminders ❤ Thank you for visiting my blog so I'd know to come over here and meet you, Sister–isn't it a wonderful world, where we can be close via Internet?! God is so Amazing!! Praying you and your beautiful family will receive from Him abundantly this week!! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Dear Sister in Christ, I’ve read and tasted your words. They are sweet to my tongue and to my heart. They make me willing to share them to other hungry souls. I know you paid a great price for their strength and gentle flow. God bless you and your ministry!


  5. What a beautiful website! Keep it up!
    and Welcome! To DailyBiblePrayer.wordpress. May God bless you with encouragement, direction and protection as you grow in your relationship with Him through the scriptures and spending time in prayer!
    Be sure to click on the scriptures at the bottom to read and see what God will share with you personally!
    God bless you.


  6. Beautiful words and pictures.. anyone who loves Jesus, and loves prayer, is my brother, sister and friend! God bless you!


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