Jesus is Healer

While reading in bed, I felt a heat on my back and then a lot of tingling. My back pain seemed gone. Immediately prayed and the Lord asked what is the purpose of my back? I said that it was to hold me up? He said, “I will uphold you with my right hand. You need only be still.” I got up out of bed and tested out my back, to see if I really was healed. No pain, completely no pain. Gone. Our God is so Awesome and Kind. He miraculously physically healed me. I wasn’t even praying. But I was listening to Maverick City and reading our daily study, a part about The Prodigal Son.. 🎶 I’ve got this Joy and it won’t let go, looked in His eyes and it freed my soul.. My soul knows it.. 🎵 Reading about God’s redemptive love..

And those lyrics truly are real to me, as I did look into His eyes before. I will never be the same. Never knew I could be so loved. Didn’t know my soul could truly be free in such heavenly power.. And after looking in His eyes, I could only be still.. I collapsed into His arms. And I did not want to leave.

It is Easter today in Hawaii Nei.. We celebrate His risen resurrection every day. Thank You Jesus that You are our Passover Lamb. Your blood shed so death could pass over us. You overcame death so that we live. Because You live, we live. You are Life Everlasting. Thank you Jesus that we get to walk with You in Your Kingdom of Light. My family and I went through a few of the hardest weeks ever. But these troubles are so small when we think of what Jesus did for us. Remembering what He did for us all.. All because He loves us so much. More than we can ever imagine. He will always uphold us and help us.. Oh my prayer is to fully surrender it all.. May we be still and lock eyes with Him. No more of this world, just our Beautiful Jesus. Truly He just wants our whole heart. May He have all of us. He is so worthy.

It’s a broken world and we can be broken along with it.. But in Christ Jesus, we are not of the world. His Holy Spirit lives in us, He will change everything for His best.. Greater is He in us than He who is in the world. He is Peace and Perfect Love. He is Healer. If you need healing, worship Him and Him alone. Don’t wait until a crisis or some other day.. Give Him all of you now and in every moment. He is God and He is Good.. He is to be praised in everything.. Forever He is Faithful… You never know what He’s gonna do and in His own perfect way and perfect time.. Thank You Jesus. ♥️


  1. Wow amazing sis. He is HEALER 🙌🏼🥰❤️
    Yes you are so so right, our troubles are so small compared to what our Jesus did for us.



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