How Abba Sees You

Try to see others as God sees them.. you may surprise yourself at how much you can love them.  Here’s a greater challenge.  Try to see yourself as God sees you, it just might change everything you believe about yourself.
Years ago, I had a dream that a baby girl was being born in the hospital.  The woman in labor had a fever.. She was very weak.. tired.. The nurses helped her to deliver the baby.. and the new mom was okay.. Baby was strong and healthy.  That new mom was my precious mom.. She was resting, she was going to be fine.  And there was the baby girl, she had just been put down by a nurse.  And I just starred at that beautiful miracle.. in awe and shock that it was me..  And so so so much overwhelming love.. I was right there at the doorway.. about ten feet away.. As I breathlessly gazed at my newly born self.. It was as if my eyes were in the heart of God.. I felt just how much He loves me.. how He marvelously created me all out of love.. perfect love.. His love and splendor in the room was much too powerful and it woke me up.. Tears were all over my face.  I cried and couldn’t stop thanking God for how much He loves me and how much He sees me.. from before I was born.. to that moment I arrived with Him right by my side.. All the way to now.. and all for eternity..
When there are lies that I begin to believe about who I am, I will go back to this moment with Daddy God.  What’s amazing is.. when I first had that dream, I shared it in vivid detail with my mom.  She rarely seems to cry, but she cried. She hadn’t shared that experience and kept asking how I knew of what happened.. I believe seeds were planted in her heart. I can’t stop praising Jesus just for who He is.. All I want is His presence.. It’s not about what He can do.  But just to know that He sees me.. And I am always His baby girl.. That great love that I’ll never forget, it never ends.. His perfect love will never change.. no matter what ~
This is true for all of us.  He loves you and my prayer is that you would see others and yourself as He does.  And that you would see Him.  Once you see Him, you are never ever ever the same.  Ask Him to show His face, to just.. show up.. to reveal more of His love..

Is there anything holding you back from His love?

What do you need to let go of?  Perhaps a stronghold of pride, shame, bitterness, rejection, fear or anger.. Trade all of that in for His humility, peace, kindness, confidence, acceptance, and joy.  Let the Lord destroy what isn’t His will for us. Beloved, open that door of your heart ~
Confess to Him what you need to, repent.. and then be filled with Holy Spirit.. So that you will walk in freedom and victory.. Delight in what a good Daddy He is.  His strength and ways over our own.. Pour out His goodness and mercy.. and love.  It is how God created us to be.
Be encouraged, dear saint ~ You are forgiven, adored, valued.. So deeply loved.. Daddy God rejoices over you with singing.. You have a heavenly purpose.. made to shine brightly..  This is our heritage of the Lord.

Thank you to our Jesus.  We are chosen.. unconditionally loved.. We don’t have to try and measure up.. Embrace His sweet presence.. Let His grace in and to the overflow..  Trust in who He is.. Knowing who you are in Him.. When you understand that.. you no longer have to strive for perfection… Performance and behavior doesn’t determine His love for us.. He looooves us so much.. even though we don’t deserve it.. He is that good, so good.. longing for us to just spend time with Him.. I believe our hearts natural response in this should be to glorify Him ~ Being thankful in all circumstances, giving generously.. and growing in faith and love..  Whatever blessing He gives us.. may we release it to Him.. and others.. That’s the child He created us to be..  He is the best parent and He makes the best kids.

Daddy God ~ May our hearts desires be nothing more than to be wrapped in Your pure love.. the love of Jesus.. We dwell in You, Jesus.. Holy Spirit teach us heavens ways.. reveal to us Your thoughts.. Give us Your eyes.. We want to love with the Father’s Heart.. Thank You Lord that Your mercies are new each morning.. Help us daily to take off our old self and put on the new self.. Let our minds and hearts be focused on You.. our Maker.. and awakening others to You..

True love grows as we see more and more of who You are ~ You are Love..  We love you!  And we love You even more.. as we seek You and find You more.. And then it becomes easier to love ourselves and others more too.. Thank you for first loving us, how we praise You for who You are.  God you are a consuming fire, consume us.  May Your love be rivers that are flooding everywhere we go.  Amen.

ID-in-Christ   Feast on these Words.  They are yours. Jer.-15-16-Your-words-were-found-and-I-ate-them-and-Your-word-became-to-me-the-gladness-and-joy-of-my-heart

Jesus’ sacrificial work was to righteously unite us with our Daddy.. Think of the story of the prodigal son ~ No matter what the son did, his dad joyfully welcomed him and saw the very best in him.  If Jesus is truly your Savior.. Shepherd.. True Love.. God sees what He sees in His own Son.. in you.. Because we are also his kids.  Hallelujah.

By His gift of grace, there is nothing we can do that changes who we are in Him.  And how He sees us.  In HIM, we ARE.  Not we will be.. or can be..  We ARE holy in Him, we ARE free in Him.. we ARE sanctified in Him.  We ARE forever and completely loved by Him.  Hold to the truth.  There is nothing greater.. nothing else that satisfies.. Nothing in this world as His triumphant and mountain moving.. and yet sweet and gentle love ~ it is everything..

Behold our King.. and fully submit to Him ~ Journey together through the eyes of His heart, His everlasting love.



  1. Beautiful post! It is true that when we grow in love with God it becomes easier to love ourselves and others more. As you say we “are blessed forgiven, adored, valued.. So deeply loved.. Daddy God rejoices over you with singing.” Lovely!

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Oh what a beautiful post.Reading it filled my heart with a sweet assurance of God’s love for me🥺❤️❤️❤️
    May the Lord refresh you.Thank you for being a submitted vessel🙌🏾🙌🏾

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Wow. How blessed you are to have experienced that kind of direct and personal love of God 💕🙏
    God is Love and Love is all there is.

    You may like to read my post : What is your religion

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Wow sis!! So good so much love and grace. I can see your heart in all that you are sharing and so much of his light shine through you! Thank you for sharing😘❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you for this loving encouragement. “God loves me” is my go-to message for me and those around me. His love is amazingly healing, and adds hope and life like nothing else. I love that the dream God gave you blessed you and your Mom. “He is perfect in all of His ways to us.” Blessings ♥

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hello ‘YourLastDayOnEarth’. What a beautiful blog. I wish I knew where you get your pictures. By the way, thanks for following my blog. And it is true, mankind is God’s most cherished creation. It’s too bad many human beings do not grasp that concept. I stand with you. Your insight sounds to me like you are a preacher or motivational speaker. Keep up the Master’s work. Amen

    Liked by 1 person

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