Kingdom Living School


Prophetic art by Karla Sumner ~ Hearts of Wonder Ministry (

Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” We shall also see more of how he sees us!  Wow.  When Holy Spirit showed me the lion above, first thing I thought of was kingship.. A nature of such power and courage.. I always saw myself as more of a lamb.. gentle nature and totally in need of a Shepherd… I realize we need both natures of the lion and the lamb.. to be like Jesus.  God is so purely devoted to us.  So very crazy in love with us.  What about you, are you crazy in love with him?

Did you ever fall so so in love that it changes your entire mind set and.. it’s not being brain-washed..  It is being heart-washed.

God’s presence and beauty.. his transformative teachings.. his heart of such powerful love.. is all in alignment with the heart of Kingdom Living School.. The encounters, healings, pure worship.. ways that theology comes to life and goes from head knowledge to true heart knowledge.. the deep intimacy.. The most beautiful mystery and yet peace that we have a King.. who is everything we need.. a Daddy in Heaven.. a Friend.. and.. a Bridegroom.. like a marriage.. I’ll never forget when our director, Sam, said to imagine being married to someone for so many years.. and not knowing their touch.. Picture yourself going to a coffee shop and meeting with your friend Jesus.. How would that be?  And.. on Christmas Day.. when your loving Daddy wants you to open so many gifts.. and you’re not sure on opening them or not.. These were all such convictions in my relationship with our King!
In my personal journey with Jesus, I’ve understood about being a servant.. disciple.. friend.. and child of God.. But not much about being the bride.. And that intimacy is the deepest.. In a marriage, you are one.. you sleep in the same bed together.. and you talk with each other every day, share everything together.  We are the bride of Christ, he is our bridegroom.  Rest in his eternal love for you, that he adores you so much each and every second of every day.  He is always wanting you with him and desiring you.  Grow closer and closer to him, the one who is love.

Let’s not just know the Word of God..  but also truly know the God of the Word.

We are no longer in an Old Testament where all is on performance.  We are in the New Testament of grace!  When you understand his grace over everything.. a free gift just because of who we are.. because his great love does not ever change for us.. It changes everything.  You don’t have to strive anymore, because covered in his grace.. naturally you worship and serve.. All because of who he is and who we are.. No.  Other.  Love.  Like.  Jesus.  We just have to accept it.  And get over ourselves.

I don’t think I ever took so many risks as I did in Kingdom Living.  It’s hard, I really had to die to myself and my pride.  But… let faith lead the way and not emotions.. and oh the miracles, breakthrough and blessings.. freedom in the glory of God.. It pours like endless rushing rivers.. Soo soo many amazing supernatural ways God came through and still is..
Breaking my public speaking fear while pouring into others about God’s grace

So overwhelmingly thankful to Kingdom Living School for their hearts to be completely all-consuming for Jesus and wow what hunger and fire and passion!  So much desire to have only God’s desires, so much boldness released for the Kingdom and revival is very much happening.. Jesus is already here.
Celebrating and honoring Jesus with every single soul at school..
Amazing activation group / together we learned how to use what God has given us

Especially and truly ~ Sam.. I thank Jesus for creating you in the same time and place as us right now.. that we get to be a part of what he is doing through you!  Thank you for being 
so loving and open with all of my questions and for only leading me to answer things with Jesus himself.. I had a vision of a door opening in the brightest light.. and you were there at the door.. with our Jesus.. I walked in.. It’s because God uses Kingdom Living for us to walk into more of him.. in his shining glory.   As we enter into the heavens that are already here on earth.. Thank you for releasing so many hidden treasures of the Kingdom.. and for teaching us how to release it over others.. so that God can do it again and again!  Jesus is our only agenda.  Love you so much brother.

And to my wonderful most sweetest and zealous leaders.. Rachel and Cheye!  Thank you for your heavenly wisdom.. refreshing and momentous encouragement.. and great faithfulness.. and so much fun!  For leading the best activations, for prophetic words that brought so much revelations and the many heartfelt and Holy Spirit drenching prayers.. You world changers have my heart!  And to my darling sister Lis.. I felt such a connection in the spirit with you ever since the night you said.. “If you’re afraid to dance on stage, then stand up.”  In that moment, I knew deep down we’d be dancing in the Lord’s timing.  But no way did I want to ever ever dance on stage!  And then all of the dreams and confirmations from so many people kept pointing to dancing.. You are an incredible and special masterpiece of Jesus!  Thank you for believing in me and embracing all my awkwardness and insecurities.. Dancing on stage at graduation night, I realized how.. it’s all about communion with our Daddy.  Not dancing around fears but trusting the Lord.. Dancing with him.. he longs to set us free so he can have all of our heart… Following his lead.. not letting anything else in any cracks.. My word from him is communion.. being one.. which leads to joy, such complete joy.

Not a performance and we did not rehearse, just stepping out in faith for Jesus

And last but totally not least, my dear sister of the Most High, beautiful glowing Cherry.. Our friendship is so anointed and.. To reunite just before entering the doors of Kingdom Living for the first time.. just crying in each other’s  arms as soon as we saw each other.. all God!  He keeps us close and I’m so so overjoyed and thankful that he does!  Sissy I love you so much and deeply treasure you.  Your heart is so precious and you are a pure gift to all who are blessed to come into your path.  Throughout the years.. we’ve gotten to witness each other growing from glory to glory.  With us, everything is led by the Lord’s love, by his heart.. So excited for what’s next.

Myself, Sam and Cherry
Shirt swag by Rachel Morley ( staff)

Kingdom Living School, thank you for teaching me how to celebrate and to walk like a victorious lion… Roooaaarrr! Sooo much has happened and I thank God for it all and yet.. A new journey is just beginning.. So much more to come!  God is limitless.  So in awe that..  our God who is so so big.. gives us the keys.. That he has given us the kingdom of heaven to carry in our hearts… to proclaim it on this earth.. ~ Wow.. it is all about JESUS.  May we be breathing his breath and always wrapped in his love.  His heart is all over Kingdom Living ~ !  So excited for His dreams to come to pass on our islands and all over beyond 🙂


Beware ~ link enclosed at the end shares oceans and oceans of joy and celebration!  It is 100% contagious and may cause you to jump up and down and sing no matter where you are!  Rejoice ~ the Kingdom of God is here!  Nothing is greater.


  1. Wow sis! Thank you so much sharing your heart and all that you have learned in this season at ministry school. You continue to just amaze with your heart you have for our heavenly father.. I am so proud of you!! Continue to draw closer to him and make him first in your life..he is so truely amazing with his love and grace that he has lavished over us. Love you sis💕💕


  2. Oh dear sister, I love your writing so much. I love you, love everything God is just moving in your life, all the amazing testimonies and breakthroughs. You are such a light to this world. So much more lord 🙌🏼


  3. Reblogged this on The Authentic Jesus ( The Transforming Jesus) and commented:
    Back again and forgot to add
    Happy Christmas

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    # Though my family and close friends say it would be far more entertaining with a video-camera* in the “real world”, rather than in cyberspace!)
    * By the way, do they still make them in today’s ever-faster changing world..or is it all done with mobile phones?

    (get with the times now,”luddite”* c – it should be a smart phone)

    * or so I was often called by my “my techno-geek” friend, Bill (“the gonk”)

    “total non-techno” c (who doesn’t possess a mobile phone, after a rather eventful’ experience some years back, whilst trying to walk, talk and chew gum at the same time) #

    The impossible we do immediately; however miracles take a little longer!

    * (You may think I’m joking, but just ask my friends!)

    Who says men can’t multi-task!

    Men…Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em!

    “You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.”

    – Colette (nice name for a girl, btw)

    All the best with your blog
    Shared by craig

    “Information and Inspiration Distributer, Incorrigible Encourager and People-builder” *

    * not bridges (thank goodness)!

    Well my family and friends say I’m “safest” just writing and sharing

    Driven to share, uplift, encourage and (perhaps even) inspire


    “Live each day as if it’s your last…
    and one day you’ll be right!

    Don’t worry about the world ending today…

    it’s already tomorrow in scenic and tranquil ‘little’ New Zealand


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